Are Garage Door Motors Universal?

Garage door motors are not universal. There are two main types of garage door motors that you will need to be aware of. These are AC and DC garage door motors.

AC garage door motors are bigger, heavier, louder, and larger in size than their DC garage motor counterparts. This is because they are typically made up of a larger number of more complex components. However, they have the slight disadvantage of being less powerful than their bulk would suggest.

DC garage door motors are more powerful and efficient than AC garage door motors. They are lighter, more manageable, and noticeably quieter. They are designed to allow for a wide range of features. These include a softer stop and start. The advantage here is a marked reduction in wear and tear to both the door and the motor.

What Size Motor Do I Need For My Garage Door Opener?

The size of garage door opener motor you need will depend on the size and weight of your door. Garage door opener motors usually range from 1/3 HP all the way up to a full 1 HP. Most residential garage door openers will require at least 1/2 HP to function in a smooth and efficient manner.

Do you have a wooden or insulated double car garage door that is up to 16 feet wide and 8 feet tall? If this it the case, you will usually require a 3/4 HP garage door opener. If your door is very heavy or is more than 16 feet wide, you may need a larger garage door opener motor with 1 full HP.

How Do I Know What Garage Door Motor To Buy?

Knowing which type of garage door motor to buy will come down to a few very crucial factors. These will be the width, height, size, and weight of the door itself. You should start by gaining a precise measurement of the height and width of your garage door. A tape measure should be sufficient for this task.

If you have a single garage door, normally 10 feet wide by 8 feet tall, you can employ a smaller opener. If you have a door that is larger, this will normally count as double doors. In this case, you’ll probably need a full 1 HP motor.

You will also need to consider what kind of material your garage door is made of. It is true that the springs will balance the weight in order to lift the door. But some garage doors are heavier than others. They will need more power to do the job.

A wooden door is usually heavier than an uninsulated steel door and will need a more powerful motor. If the door is insulated, it will be heavier and require even more power from a larger opener. If you need more power, definitely get a DC motor.

Do I Need To Get A New Rail If I Get A New Motor?

In most cases, the answer is yes. It’s not as expensive to get a new rail for your garage door opener as you may think. The track that works with your present garage door opener is specific to it. This means that the next garage door opener motor that you buy will require a new track, especially if it is a DC rather than AC motor.

Many garage door opener motor makers will render your warranty null if you don’t buy a new track. This is because the motor that you buy absolutely needs the right kind of track to function in a safe and efficient manner. If you don’t change tracks to fit the needs of your new motor, you are taking an unnecessary and uninsured risk.

How Much HP Do I Need For Garage Door Opener?

As noted above, garage door opener motors tend to range in size between 1/3 HP and 1 full HP. The total amount of HP that you need for your garage door opener motor will depend on what you are using it for. A heavy garage door for a commercial location will obviously need more HP than a garage door for a normal residential garage.

If you have a slightly smaller residential garage door, you may only need between 1/3 and 1/2 HP for your garage door opener motor. However, if the door is more than 16 feet wide or is heavier and bulkier than most models, you’ll need at least 1 full HP. It’s a good idea to weigh and measure your garage door before you choose a motor.

Can A Garage Door Opener Be Too Powerful?

A garage door opener motor needs to be the right size and power level for your door. If you need a smaller motor of between 1/3 and 1/2 HP, it doesn’t make sense to buy a larger, more powerful motor.

Bad things can happen if the motor you buy for your garage door is too powerful for the job. It can operate at too fast of a rate, thus causing your door to open or shut too quickly and with too much emphasis. This can lead to a high level of wear and tear on your motor as well as damage to your garage.

What Is The Average Cost To Install A Garage Door Opener?

In most cases, the average cost to install a new garage door opener will not be too much. The average figure will be between about $340 and $620, depending on who you get to install the door.

There are a number of factors to consider. These will be the cost of the motor itself as well as the cost of the labor charged by the service you hire to do the job. You can save money by doing the job yourself, in which the average cost of the door will be $340.