The precise answer to this question depends on just which area of the country you happen to live in. There are many areas of the nation where the presence of radon is at a very high level. In these areas, radon mitigation systems are extremely common. In other areas, radon may be lower and you may see a few less systems in place.
Overall, radon mitigation systems are common in many homes all across the nation. This is due to the fact that many areas of the country are high in radon. Because radon is a gas that has no color, odor, or taste, it’s almost impossible to identify the presence of. This is why you need a mitigation system in the first place.
Once you have one in place, you will have a better idea of what you are up against. There is literally no other way of telling if radon is present in your home. Even if you know that you live in an area where radon gas is common, you still need to know if it is definitely in your home. This is why you will buy a mitigation system.
Is It Safe To Buy A House With A Radon Mitigation System?
The first thing that you should do before you agree to sign on the dotted line is to make sure the home is safe to live in. No matter what area of the country you may live in, you will definitely need to get a radon inspection. You need to know if radon is in your home. You also need to know in what quantity this deadly gas may be present.
However, this does not have to mean that you turn your back on the idea of owning a home you are interested in. Just because radon is present doesn’t mean that the home is unfit to live in. The thing that you will need to make sure of is that a full radon mitigation process is undertaken. In most cases, the present owner will see to it.
In short, the home is still safe for you to buy as long as radon mitigation is being conducted. Once the initial process is complete, you can agree to buy the home. But you will need to continue the radon testing and mitigation process after you have bought it. Vigilance is required as this is a problem that will not go away by itself.

Does A Radon Mitigation System Hurt Resale?
The answer to this question is no. Radon is present in so many areas of the country that having a radon mitigation system is very common. Even if the system is active by necessity, this does not mean that the house is off the market. You should have no trouble getting the price you want for your home as long as you are honest about it.
The important thing for you to remember is that radon is a gas that is deadly. But once you have a mitigation system in place, you can easily control it. The point will be to detect it so that you can begin the process of getting rid of it. This is why you will need an active mitigation system in the home before and after the sale.
Since it is cost effective and efficient to control, radon will not be a negative factor. This means that you should be able to get a good price for your home as long as you keep it in good shape. You should embark on a series of timely renovations in order to raise its resale value in addition to getting your radon level mitigated.
Map Of Radon Zones In The United States
A map of radon zones in the United States shows that the very highest levels of radon are present all across the northern half of the country. This includes the Northeastern and Midwestern regions of the country. New York and New England are areas that are somewhat less effected in this manner.
The West Coast and Southwestern regions are likewise somewhat lower on the list when it comes to the presence of radon. Certain states, such as Arizona, Louisiana, Florida, and Mississippi, seem to have the very lowest rates of radon in the nation. But this does not mean that radon won’t be a danger in any home that you may look at.
No matter where you live in the country, it’s always a good idea to have your home checked for the presence of radon. The map of high radon levels will give you an idea of what areas to avoid if you choose. But you still need to make sure that radon isn’t present even in an area the map lists as less harmful.
What State Has The Highest Radon Levels?
The list of the top 10 states with the highest radon levels will read as follows:
Alaska ( 10.7 pCi/L))
South Dakota ( 9.6p Ci/L)
Pennsylvania ( 8.6 pCi/L)
Ohio ( 7.8 pCi/L)
Washington ( 7.5p Ci/L )
Kentucky ( 7.4 pCi/L)
Montana ( 7.4 pCi/L)
Idaho ( 7.3 pCi/L)
Colorado ( 6.8 pCi/L)
Iowa ( 6.1 pCi/L)
The term pCi/L is an acronym that stands for Picocuries Per Liter. This is the standard unit of measurement for radon. As shown above, Alaska is the state with the highest levels of radon. However, it’s important to note that radon is not only found in high quantities in these states. It can be present in any home across the nation.
As a result, it will be crucial for you to get a radon test before you decide to buy the property that you are interested in. If you find a radon mitigation system in place, check to make sure that it is in good working order. As long as the system does its job in a safe and efficient manner, you need have no fear about buying the home.