Can Water Softeners Explode?

It is possible for water softeners to explode. While rare, older softeners that aren’t given regular maintenance can explode due to water pressure. This occurs when there’s too much water pressure building up on one side of the tank.

This typically happens when the tank or filter is clogged. Over time, hard minerals that the water softener is actively filtering out of your water leave deposits. Those deposits start to clog up your tank and filter.

Because water can pass through or around the clog, any time water is used, it’s building up on the clogged side with nowhere to go. The pressure builds more and more as water is used until the structural integrity is compromised. The tank explodes. You’re left with a mess.

The clog doesn’t always exist solely in the filter and tank either. It can sometimes come from your pipes. Pipes that allow hard minerals to pass through them can also develop clogs from their deposits. If enough pressure builds up inside of your pipe, then it can explode.

To ensure your water softener operates safely, you should regularly clean it.

Can Water Pressure Build Up In A Water Softener?

It’s possible that water can start to build up inside of your softener. One problem some water softener owners talk about is having low pressure. The reason they have low pressure is that the water is being clogged somewhere inside of the water softener.

Due to the clog, the water pressure can start to rise on the other side of the clog.

Water pressure can also build up when there’s a heavy amount of iron resin or other hard metals in the filter. The water has to pass through the filter before it can be delivered to wherever the water is going. If the filter has too much resin in it, then less water can easily pass through it.

As a result, water starts to build in pressure on the other side.

How Can You Tell If Your Water Softener Is Clogged?

There are a few ways you can tell if the water softener is clogged. The first is in noticing chalky residue in your water. Because water softeners rely on a filtration system to remove metals and minerals, the filter can start to become overwhelmed with the amount passing through it.

Clogged filters, in particular, are unable to trap all of the minerals and metals that pass through them. As a result, you’ll notice some of those minerals in your water. You may even notice residue on your sink and shower again.

Another sign is if the pressure starts to dwindle. Low pressure is a key sign that your water softener needs its tank cleaned and its filter replaced. Minerals can start to clog the tank up and choke the filter. Water can’t easily pass through the choked areas, resulting in low pressure.

Does Installing A Water Softener Reduce Water Pressure?

When you first install a water softener, you may notice a brief period of low water pressure. This is because the filter and tank require a small period of time to become activated. Once that period is over, however, the pressure should be normal.

You may notice after a few months that the pressure of your water is low again. At this point, it’s likely due to a clogged filter or a tank that needs to be cleaned. Low water pressure may also be a result of another plumbing problem. If you have hard water running through your pipes, then you also likely have dams wedged within them from mineral deposits.

Cleaning out your pipes and water softener is a great way to keep your water pressure normal.

How Do I Reduce The Pressure In My Water Softener?

If you want to make sure that the pressure in your water softener never builds, then you need to consistently clean it. One of the first places you should clean is the filter. This is a key area where mineral deposits will start to accumulate. As more deposits grow, the water has a difficult time passing through. This increases the water pressure on the other side of the filter that’s waiting to pass through it.

By regularly cleaning your filter or having a professional do it, you can keep the water flowing normally and notice minimal changes in pressure.

Another step you can take to reduce any high pressure of water occurring in your water softener is to clean the tank. This is another area where mineral deposits can start to affect the flow of water. Keeping the tank cleaned ensures that the water can travel slowly through it.

An additional step is to consistently clean your plumbing. As long as the water can safely and easily pass through your pipes, you shouldn’t experience any problems with your water pressure.

Is It OK To Unplug A Water Softener?

If you’re ever in a position where you need to turn off the water softener, then it is absolutely safe to do so. You can easily unplug the softener by simply reaching for the plug and removing it from the outlet. You may want to consult with your manual for your specific model. Some water softeners require an additional step to fully shut it off.

Those who still want the water to run through the unit without its regenerative cycle can open the bypass valve.

Should I Turn Off My Water Softener When I Go On Vacation?

It’s always a good idea to turn off your water treatment systems when you go on vacation. If something happens to it when you’re not there, then you could come back to an unpleasant surprise.

Some water softeners aren’t timed. As such, they’re not being used until the water actually passes through them. In this case, you can leave the water softener as it is. Those that are timed, as in they operate during certain parts of the day, should be turned off before you leave for your vacation.