Can You Befriend Wasps? (Solved & Explained!)

Wasps have the ability to identify individual humans, so technically yes, you can befriend wasps. Wasps like living in colonies so befriending a single wasp may be difficult, but befriending a colony of wasps is possible and many people keep small colonies of wasps as pets.

Do Wasps Like Humans?

Wasps are able to identify humans individually and can become attached to a single human that they recognize as their keeper. However humans and wasps have different socialization structures, so what appears to be friendly to us, is actually a hierarchical attachment to a wasp.

This is why befriending a singular wasp isn’t possible. Without a colony to interact with, the singular wasp has no social context in which to place you. However, if you keep a small colony of wasps who all recognize you as their keeper, you become part of their social structure and an attachment can form.

Can Wasps Learn?

Yes, wasps can learn and you can teach them new things. 

Wasps respond well to positive reinforcement conditioning, just like cats and dogs do. You can entice them with a pleasant odor, and reward them with a sugary solution.

Wasps found in urban areas are actually trained wasps! Urban wasps are attracted to human fingers as they see them as a food source, whereas wild wasps will flee from the human touch as we are perceived as a threat.

However, both kinds of wasps are likely to sting you if you get too close or try to hurt them, so always be careful!

How Do You Befriend a Wasp?

You can befriend wasps by making your environment wasp friendly and attractive, or by frequenting wasp hangouts like meadows, orchards, and various urban or suburban places that attract wasps.

Wasps appreciate a handout, so offering them natural foods made of nectar, sugar water, asters and mints is a great way to start your budding friendship. You can go the extra mile by finding some pestiferous grubs to give them to feed their young.

How Do I Control Wasps in My House?

You may not be able to control them, but you can leave treats around to lure them towards a spot of the house where you are happy for them to hang out. 

If you have a small nest, the size of a golf ball, this is likely a singular queen wasp with a handful of wasp attendants. Depending on the location, you may be able to live with them. 

Unfortunately, if you have a large wasps nest in your home, keeping them around can be hazardous to your health. You will have to call pest control as moving the nest yourself could unleash the wasps that will cause you harm.

How Do You Get Rid of Wasps Without Killing Them?

If you have a small wasps nest in your home it is possible to get rid of them yourself without killing them.

  1. Get a plastic container large enough for the nest
  2. Wait until the evening when all the wasps have returned to the nest and are sleeping, gently place and hold the container over the nest.
  3. Slid the container lid over the top of the nest to sever the connection between the nest and the wall/ceiling.
  4. Keep the lid firmly in place as this may have woken the wasps who will now be in attack mode.
  5. Leave the container outside with the lid on for about an hour, or until the wasps have calmed down and gone back to sleep. Make sure they have access to oxygen.
  6. Remove the lid and back away quickly. Wait 1 or 2 days for the wasps to fully evacuate the nest.

Can Wasps Recognise Human Faces?

Yes, wasps can recognize human faces. They can tell them apart from one another too. Wasps have complicated social lives that require them to distinguish each other as individuals so they can work alongside each other harmoniously.

This brain development translates across to the human face too! Wasps are able to tell many different kinds of faces apart, just as we do.

What To Do When Wasps Chase You?

If a swarm of wasps is chasing you the best thing you can do is to keep calm. Moving and waving your arms around to attack the wasps in return will just enrage them further.

To escape a swarm of wasps, run as fast as possible in the straight line for as far as you can.

Wasps won’t venture far from their nest and their queen. They are likely to give up and double back after about 50 – 100ft.

How Do I Stop Wasps from Chasing Me?

You can prevent wasps chasing or being attracted to you in the first place by staying well away from their nests, avoid wearing bright colors and sweet perfumes, and being careful where you eat outdoors.

What Smells Do Wasps Hate?

Wasps don’t like certain strong smells like eucalyptus, lemongrass, spearmint, geranium, vinegar, scented herbs, and clove.

If you wish to deter wasps, try placing plants or scented oils with these particular smells around your home.

Will Wasps Sting You at Night?

Wasps are busy in the day and sleep at night so they will not be around to sting you.

Overall their systems slow down at night and they become sluggish, even if they are not asleep. For wasps, nighttime is dedicated to sleeping and caring for the young, so even though waps won’t sting at night it is still best not to interfere with their nest. 

No matter the time of day, wasps will protect their young and their queen, and if they have to sting you to keep them safe, they will.

What are Wasps Attracted to?

Wasps are generally attracted to sweet and sticky things. You may notice an influx of wasps at a picnic when cans of soda have been left open, or you have left jam on your plate.

The most common foods that wasps love are fruit juices, nectar, honey, melted chocolate, and over-ripened fruit.

In the wild, wasps also like their protein. Their natural diet consists of small insects, caterpillars, flies, and beetle larvae.