Do You Flush a Composting Toilet? (Solved & Explained!)

Do you flush a composting toilet? Composting toilets are not connected to a sewer system or septic tank and don’t use any water when removing the waste. This means that you don’t need to flush a composting toilet after you do your business. Keep reading to learn more about how composting toilets work.

Do you flush a composting toilet? 

Since composting toilets are not connected to a water source, they don’t get flushed. Instead, you will need to add some form of dry matter to the waste when using this toilet. Some good options include sawdust, peat moss, shredded paper, or even dry leaves. The media you use must be able to absorb excess moisture, but be able to dry out so air will circulate around the waste.

How do different composting toilets work?

While there are different types of composting toilets, they all essentially have the same function. Composting toilets work by mixing your waste with the dry media to prevent odor and helping it turn into organic compost. The waste will then be sent to the composting toilet’s chamber, which is where it will start the process of being broken down into compostable matter. 

Can you pee in a composting toilet?

The composting toilet is supposed to function the same as a regular toilet, just without the use of water. It is perfectly okay to urinate in a composting toilet. The urine will be directed to a separate chamber in the toilet, where it can be disposed of later. Urine can also be composted, but it has a higher nitrogen level so it must be diluted first.

How do you dispose of urine from a composting toilet?

There are many ways to dispose of the urine from your composting toilet if you can’t find a dumping station. A common thing to do is dilute the urine with 6 parts of water and pour it into the soil. However, one of the easiest ways to dispose of the urine is to pour it down a drain or into the sewer, which can often be done from the road.

How often do you have to clean a composting toilet?

The good thing about composting toilets is they are designed to be relatively maintenance-free. You will have to keep up with regular cleaning of the seat and bowl, no different than a regular toilet. However, since everything going into the toilet gets turned into the compost it’s important to only use a natural cleaner. 

When it comes to the chamber, you won’t need to clean it every time you empty it. However, it should get thoroughly cleaned every 6 to 8 months to prevent odor.

What do you do with the waste from a composting toilet?

Many people will add the waste from a composting toilet to their outdoor composting bin to break down further. This will ensure all the bacteria have fully broken down into organic matter. When they are ready to add it to the soil, it’s best to use it around plants that are not edible. However, you can make an exception for fruit trees.

Do composting toilets smell?

Composting toilets have adequate ventilation so they don’t start to smell bad. These toilets are designed with “vent sacks” to prevent your washroom from smelling like rotting waste. Many people believe composting toilets will stink, but it’s quite the opposite. 

Where does the toilet paper go in a composting toilet?

When you put toilet paper in the composting toilet, it will go in the chamber with the waste to be turned into a compostable matter. Many people thought that they were unable to put toilet paper in the composting toilet, but that’s not true. Toilet paper can be broken down into a compostable substance as well, so it’s safe to put it in the composting toilet. 

Can you throw away human waste?

If you don’t have an outdoor compost bin to put the human waste in, you can throw it away. The most eco-friendly way to dispose of human waste is by digging a cathole in an area where people are unlikely to trample over it.

All you need to do is use a garden shovel to dig a hole that is at least 6 inches deep and 4 inches wide (however, bigger is always better) to dump the waste in. Make sure you fully cover the hole and disguise the area with leaves, brush, and other organic materials. 

How do you speed up a composting toilet?

If you fill up your composting toilet before the human waste has been fully broken down to compost, you may want to find a way to speed it up. You can speed up a composting toilet by adding compost worms (red wrigglers or red worms) to the waste. This works because the worms eat the waste, which helps fertilize it quicker. 

How do you know when to empty a composting toilet?

Most composting toilets will be ready to be emptied after 60 to 80 uses. For the average person, this could be every 3 weeks. However, every household is different and there’s a quick way to tell if it’s time to empty your composting toilet. Simply turn the handle and if it’s getting tight to move, then it’s due to be emptied.

How long does a composting toilet last?

Composting toilets are a good investment because they will last for 15 to 20 years, depending on the quality of make. However, the amount of use it receives will play a role in how long the composting toilet lasts. For this reason, we recommend investing in a toilet that is going to be larger than what you expect you will need. 

Are composting toilets gross?

A very common misconception about composting toilets is that they are gross, which couldn’t be further from the truth. Composting toilets are very sanitary and are designed to keep all the gross stuff out of the picture so you don’t see or smell anything. Even the chamber helps keep the waste from getting too disgusting, making it easier to empty.