How Do You Keep a Composting Toilet Clean? (Solved!)

If you’re new to composting toilets, you may be wondering how to keep them clean. It’s a different process than using a traditional flush toilet, but it’s not difficult once you get the hang of it.

Here are some tips for keeping your composting toilet clean and functioning properly.

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How Do You Keep a Composting Toilet Clean?

A composting toilet is a great way to reduce your environmental impact and save water. But how do you keep it clean? The key is to use a cleaner that won’t damage the beneficial bacteria that break down the waste.

Bleach and other harsh chemicals will kill these bacteria, so it’s best to use a cleaner specifically designed for composting toilets.

In addition, be sure to clean the toilet lid, bowl, and seat regularly. And if you’re using a batch composting toilet, empty it per the unit’s instructions to avoid any build-up.

With a little care, you can keep your composting toilet clean and free of odors.

What Parts of The Composting Toilet Should You Clean and How Often?

The toilet lid, bowl, and seat should be cleaned regularly, at least once a week. If you’re using a batch composting toilet, empty it per the unit’s instructions to avoid any build-up.

Poo Pod Waterless Composting Toilet

What Cleaning Chemicals Can’t Be Used on A Composting Toilet?

Bleach and other harsh chemicals will kill the beneficial bacteria that break down the waste, so it’s best to use a cleaner specifically designed for composting toilets.

What Should You Do if There is an Odor?

If there is an odor, empty the toilet per the unit’s instructions and clean with a vinegar solution (1 part vinegar to 10 parts water). Once a month, add a handful of baking soda and potato or corn starch to the compost bin to help absorb odors.

What Products Can Be Used on A Composting Toilet to Keep It Clean?

Luckily, several safe and effective cleaning products can be used on composting toilets.

Soap and water are all you need to clean the bowl of the toilet.

Vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice can also be used to safely clean the bowl.

Aunt Fannie's All Purpose Cleaning Vinegar 16.9 Ounces, Multipurpose Surface Spray Cleaner (Eucalyptus)

If you want something stronger that also has a disinfection element without harming the composting process use hydrogen peroxide.

Clorox Healthcare Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Disinfectant Spray, 32 Ounces (30828)

Finally, there are also compostable cleaning wipes available from Clorox that can be used on the toilet seat and bowl.

Clorox Compostable Cleaning Wipes - All Purpose Wipes - Simply Lemon, 75 Count (Pack of 3)

With these products, you can easily keep your composting toilet clean without harming the environment (or slowing down your compost).

Will Cleaning a Composting Toilet Reduce Its Odors?

Yes, cleaning a composting toilet will reduce its odors.

In addition, there are other steps you should take to reduce odors, such as:

  • Adding baking soda or cornstarch to the compost bin once a month
  • Avoiding putting non-compostable items, like diapers or cat litter, in the toilet
  • Empty the toilet per the unit’s instructions

By following these tips, you can keep your composting toilet clean and free of odors.

How Often Should You Empty a Composting Toilet?

It depends on how often the toilet is used.

If it’s a single-person household, you can empty the compost bin every 6 to 8 weeks.

In a multi-person household, you may need to empty it more often.

Most batch composting toilets have 2 or more compartments, so you can empty one while still using the other.

Just be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid any build-up.

How Do You Clean a Sunmar Composting Toilet?

Sunmar composting toilets are a fantastic option for those looking for an environmentally friendly way to deal with waste. However, as with any type of toilet, they need to be cleaned regularly to prevent any build-up of grime or odors.

SUN-MAR GTG TOILET | Portable Toilet, Compost Toilet for RV

There are a few different methods that can be used to clean a Sunmar composting toilet, but the most important thing is to make sure that all of the solid waste is removed from the unit regularly.

The lid, seat, and bowl of the unit should be cleaned at least weekly. To clean the bowl, seat, and lid of the unit, simply use soap and water.

For tougher stains or odors, you can use a vinegar solution (1 part vinegar to 10 parts water).

If you want a stronger cleaning solution that will also disinfect the unit, you can use hydrogen peroxide.

How Do You Clean a Nature’s Head Composting Toilet?

Nature’s Head composting toilets are designed for easy cleaning. The unit should be emptied regularly, per the instructions that come with the unit.

Nature's Head Self Contained Composting Toilet with Close Quarters Spider Handle Design

The lid, seat, and bowl should be cleaned weekly with soap and water.

For stronger stains or to disinfect the unit, hydrogen peroxide can be used. Simply apply hydrogen peroxide to a clean cloth and wipe down the affected areas.

Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using cleaners other than soap and water. With regular care, Nature’s Head composting toilets will stay clean and odor-free.

How Do You Clean a Clivus Multrum Composting Toilet?

The Clivus Multrum composting toilet is a waterless, odorless alternative to traditional flush toilets. Unlike traditional toilets, the Clivus Multrum composting toilet does not require a water supply or septic system.

Instead, it uses the natural process of decomposition to break down human waste.

The Clivus Multrum composting toilet is easy to clean and maintain. The bowl, seat, and lid can be cleaned with mild soap and water.

The leachate tank should be emptied regularly, and the compost should be removed when it is fully decomposed.

With proper care, the Clivus Multrum composting toilet will provide years of trouble-free operation.

How Do You Keep a Bucket-Based Composting Toilet Clean?

A bucket-based composting toilet is a great way to reduce your environmental impact, but it’s important to keep it clean.

Camco 41549 Portable 5-Gallon Toilet Bucket with Seat and Lid Attachment | Lightweight and Easy to Clean | Great for Camping, Hiking, Hunting and More , Blue

The first step is to empty the buckets into your backyard compost bin when they’re full.

Then rinse the buckets with soap and water and be sure to dump the rinse water into the compost bin.

To clean the lid and seat, use vinegar or hydrogen peroxide.

Finally, be sure to ventilate the bathroom well to prevent odors.

With a little bit of care, your bucket-based composting toilet will stay clean and stink-free.


Composting toilets is a great way to reduce your environmental impact. They’re easy to clean, but it’s important to do so regularly.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and emptying the unit, and be sure to ventilate the bathroom well.