What Can I Spray on Wood to Prevent Mold? (Solved!)

Mold can grow on wood more readily than other surfaces because of its porous, water-absorbing nature. You can prevent mold growth by keeping as dry and well-ventilated an environment as possible, and regularly dusting and cleaning surfaces. A household solution of vinegar and water, or various mold control products, can be sprayed over wood surfaces to prevent and/or kill various types of molds. 

What Can I Spray on Wood to Prevent Mold? 

A simple household solution of vinegar and warm water sprayed over a wooden surface, left to sit and then wiped away can be a lighter preventative measure against mold growth. Various chemicals are commonly found in mold control products that range in strength and toxicity.

Certain mold prevention products, such as Concrobium Mold Control, contain no ammonia or volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and can be used on various surfaces, indoor and outdoors. This product can be left to sit on mold for a couple of days, and is safe to use around plants.  

One of the more commonly used chemicals is didecyl ammonium chloride (DDAC), such as used in RMR-86 and Wet;Forget spray products. DDAC is quite toxic and corrosive to the skin, so it must be used with extreme caution and appropriate PPE. 

How do you protect raw wood from mold? 

Due to its porous, organic nature, raw wood is highly susceptible to damage from water – especially in high humidity environments – and subsequent mold growth. Water damage can be prevented by checking hidden areas for water pooling and cleaning up any sitting water.  

A sealant product can be used over raw dry wood, to create a protective barrier from which mold growth will be prevented. It is important to only seal dry wood, with moisture content no higher than 14%.

 What can you put on plywood to prevent mold? 

Interior plywood is made of highly resistant glues making it effective at withstanding moisture. As a prevention for mold, you can use a spray bottle to apply a thin layer of mold control product or solution of vinegar and water, leaving to sit as per the manufacturers instructions, then wiping a surface.

 How do you protect wood furniture from mold? 

Regularly dusting and cleaning furniture will help prevent the formation of mildew, along with maintaining as dry an environment as possible. Furniture sealants or polish will also prevent too much moisture penetrating the wood and causing mold growth. Applying sealant sprays on dry wood only, can create a protective barrier over the surface that will reduce moisture and inhibit mold growth. 

 Is bleach or vinegar better to kill mold on wood? 

A common household solutioin of one part distilled white vinegar to one part warm water may help eliminate up to 80% of mold species. Leave the solution to dry for one hour, then wipe with a damp cloth, followed by a dry cloth. 

Bleach is not recommended to be used in routine mold cleanup. Though it may appear to clean the area of mold, bleach typically will not be able to penetrate into wood. Only the water will be absorbed – potentially leading to further mold growth. That being said, there may be some instances when professional judgement may indicate the use of bleach. 

 Is wood mold dangerous? 

Mold and mold spores are harmful to humans and can cause allergies and various health effects, especially to children, those with weakened immune systems, and people who have asthma or chronic respiratory disease. 

For some, exposure to molds can cause mild to severe symptoms from congestion and wheezing to red or itchy eyes, or skin rashes. When treating mold, it is important to use appropriate personal protective gear including gloves and goggles. Certain molds are more toxic and professional help may be recquired for removal and treatment.

 How do you keep wood from getting moldy? 

To prevent mold from getting moldy, make sure the furniture or wooden surface is kept in a cool dry area with low humidity.  

Keep wooden surfaces clean by regularly dusting and wiping with a damp cloth, while checking for new mold growth. Use a mold control and prevention spray such as Stay Clean on clean wood surfaces to prevent re-growth of mold. 

 Does white vinegar kill mold on wood? 

Distilled white vinegar, may be able to kill more than 80% of mold species but it is not effective at killing all types of mold.  

According to a medically reviewed article by healthline, a 2015 study found that vinegar made from 4-4.2% vinegar acetic acid effectively treated the strain Penicillium chrysogenum, but did not work for Aspergillus fumigatus – both of which are common household molds. 

 Can you get mold out of plywood? 

Aside from specialized mold control chemical products, a simple water-vinegar solution is a less-toxic and effective combination to remove mold from plywood surfaces. Spraying the affected area and letting it sit for an hour, will help to bring the mold to the surface. The wood can then be wiped down with a damp cloth followed by a dry, and the area kept dry and well-ventilated to inhibit regrowth. 

 How do you get mold spores out of furniture? 

Ensure to dust and clean furniture before applying any chemical, water or household cleaner.  

If you apply a mold control product to the furniture, follow the suppliers’ specific instructions. This will typically involve spraying the surface, letting it sit, wiping away the residue of mold and allowing the area to dry.

Keep the environment dry and well-ventilated, with as many sides of the furniture item exposed as possible. 

 How long does it take for mold to grow on wood? 

According to a flood management advice by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), mildew and molds can start growing on damp surfaces of wood within 24-48 hours. 

 Does wood mold get wet? 

Wood mold, and black mold in particular, is often caused when the wood has been wet for some time, whether from application or being left out in the rain.  

This dampness also causes the wood to expand and hold on to more moisture than normal. Wet wood will last about one week, if not dried out sooner, before the moisture causes wet rot, which will deteriorate and eventually destroy the wood.  

Leave wet wood outside in a cold, well-ventilated area with all surfaces exposes to kill the growth of rot.  

 What does fungus look like on wood? 

Fungus on wood is typically green in color, though there are thousands of types of green mold such as the olive-green Cladosporium or the Aspergillus strain. There are different kinds of fungus, including the white-colored patches created on constantly wet wooden surface, or the brown fungus that thrives in humid environments.  

You may want to call a moisture control expert to assist you in identifying and combatting various kinds of fungus and mold in your home. 

Does a dehumidifier help with mold on wood? 

As mold readily spreads in consistently high humidity environments on porous, organic materials and wood areas or furniture, using a dehumidifier may help control indoor humidity and prevent mold.  

Ensure to properly clean and maintain a dehumidifying appliance to prevent mold growth inside it, as is known to sometimes occur.