Why Do Wasps Carry Their Dead Away? (Solved & Explained!)

Wasps are social creatures that are all too aware of the dangers of leaving the corpses of their fallen comrades around. 

In a process known as Necrophoresis, wasps and other insects carry their dead away from the hive to prevent the spread of disease, and so the smell of the bodies decomposition does not attract predators.

Will Wasps Eat Their Dead?

Wasps are carnivorous insects and they have been known to eat their dead. Some species are known as cannibal or meat wasps as they have been observed eating the corpses of their dead hive-mates.

There are several species of wasp, and cannibal wasps will eat their own species and others. However, there are species that do not eat dead bodies of their own kind, such as fig wasps.

Can Wasps Still Sting After Death?

A few minutes after death, a wasp can still move and will sting you if you are close enough. A wasps stinger is located near their abdomen, it dispenses venom upon contact automatically and does not require the wasp to be conscious.

The stinger is attached to a venom-filled sack that dispenses upon contact. This is a process that can take place even after death, so be careful if you ever pick up a dead wasp with your bare hands.

What Do Wasps Do with Their Dead?

Other than eating their dead, wasps will remove the dead from their colony. The health of the colony is vital, and a dead body can quickly spread an infectious disease among the living and cause the hive to collapse.

Wasp colonies have dedicated wasps, known as undertakers, who specialize in corpse removal, sometimes removing wasps in the process of dying.

These wasps perform other tasks as well, but will more frequently deal with dead bodies than the other wasps in the hive.

Do Dead Wasps Attract Other Wasps?

Wasps are not attracted by dead wasps. Their behaviors barely change when a dead wasp is present.

Even if the wasp is from their own colony, living wasps have very little interest in dead ones, and prefer for them to be as far away from the colony as possible.

However, if you squash a dead wasp, the body releases a hormone to alert nearby wasps of danger. Instead of fleeing, the neighboring wasps will come to investigate.

How Do I Kill a Wasp?

Wasps are great for the environment so it’s best not to kill them if you can, but if you must kill a wasp, you may be able to swat it with a fly swatter or a roll of newspaper. Be careful not to miss, wasps will attack when threatened.

If you have a swarm of wasps then the only way to kill them is to hire a fumigator. There is no way to kill more than one wasp at a time, and swarms of wasps can number in hundreds. 

Does Hairspray Kill Wasps?

Hairspray can kill wasps, the chemicals found in the spray freezes them and causes them to fall, the lingering fumes will then choke the wasp if left.

Be careful, wasps are attracted to sweet smells like hairspray and other waps may be attracted to the scent. 

Hairspray can also be used to kill a hive of wasps, but it is a method that isn’t advised. More wasps will escape than be killed, and you will be their primary target.

What Kills Wasps Instantly?

Dish soap is an effective instant waps killer. Mix a teaspoon of dish soap into water and dispense in a spray bottle. Spray the wasp continuously for a few minutes and the wasp will be dead within 15 minutes.

You can also purchase industrial wasp killing spray that will do the same job but a little faster, Industrial sprays are more effective for killing wasp nests.

Do Wasps Die When They Sting You?

Wasps stay alive after one sting. The belief with wasps dies after one sting is commonly confused with bees, who do perish after one attack.

Wasps can dispense multiple stings throughout their lifetime. A wasps stinger is smooth, unlike a bees stinger which is curved and will stick into the body of the prey.

Wasps stingers are removed as soon as the wasp takes flight, letting it free to sting another day.

What Do Wasps Die Of?

The number one natural wasp killers are cold weather and starvation.

Nectar is the mainstay of a wasps diet and as autumn rolls in there is less nectar around for them to feast on, no fruit growing on the trees for them to suckle, or other insects crawling around for them to fest on.

Cold weather has an overall negative effect on wasps’ ability to complete daily activities and their body function declines. As soon as the weather drops below 50F wasps find it difficult to fly and by the time frost sets in, most of them will have perished.

How Long is a Wasps Nest Active?

Wasps nests stay active for 3 to four months, or roughly the beginning of spring to late summer.

Wasps nest will completely die out throughout winter but can repopulate during the spring months. An abandoned ready-made nest is the perfect hideout for rogue queens fresh out of hibernation.

Are Figs Made of Dead Wasps?

Figs are not full of dead wasps, figs absorb the nutrients from trapped wasps to help them ripen.

The crunchy parts of the fig that people mistake for bits of wasp are actually seeds. Once a fig is ripened the entire wasp has been consumed by the fig and none of its physical parts remain. That being said, figs are not categorized as vegan due to their reliance on wasp corpses.

Why Do I Find Dead Wasps?

If you are finding dead wasps in a certain area is can mean that there is an active hive nearby and they have chosen this spot as a convenient graveyard to leave their dead comrades.

If you are finding them during late summer or early autumn they are perhaps wasps from a local colony that is dying off for the year.