Does Dawn and Vinegar Kill Mold? (Solved & Explained!)

When you have issues with mold, you may wonder, “Does Dawn and vinegar kill mold?” Yes, they can. But, it depends on the severity of the mold, the location of the mold and the surface it’s on. As a general rule, you have to remove any porous surfaces because, more often than not, you can’t save them once mold takes hold.

Does dawn and vinegar kill mold?

Dawn and vinegar can kill mold on small, topical areas. Simply mix equal parts of each in a spray bottle, shake well and begin spraying. You will have to scrub the area thoroughly with a clean brush or sponge and hot water.

However, it is advisable to use one or the other to remove mold. That said, you can start your removal by cleaning the surface with original formula Dawn and then follow it up by spraying white vinegar as a disinfectant.

Is it the soap or vinegar that kills mold?

Both soap and vinegar have the capacity to kill mold. Any detergent designed to get rid of germs and bacteria will do wonders for mold removal. White vinegar is an inexpensive and scientifically-proven way to kill mold, especially when used as a spray in hard-to-reach areas.

How does the soap help?

The ingredients in detergent, like Dawn, help remove mold by killing the particles that grow and multiply. It can permeate certain porous materials and destroy the mold down to the roots.

That said, it does not kill the spores that promote mold growth. So, you will have to use something as a disinfectant, like vinegar or bleach afterwards or mixed together.

How does the vinegar help?

Vinegar is a proven viral and bacterial destroyer. It’s inexpensive and can take care of mold on most surfaces. Mixing water with 5% white vinegar can kill 82% of mold, 99% of bacteria and 80% of viruses. All you have to do is fill a spray bottle, shake well and spray it onto the affected area.

Heavier mildew buildup will succumb to the power of vinegar at full strength. Regardless of the surface material or intensity of the mold, allow the surface to dry completely. You want to ensure the mold doesn’t grow and that you kill the spores.

Can you use any soap?

No, you can’t simply use any soap that’s convenient. It must be a strong detergent like Dawn or other heavy-duty dish soap, like Ajax or Palmolive. Don’t use facial cleanser, liquid body soap, bar soap or hand soap. These won’t be strong enough to fight against the mold, especially if it’s really bad.

Can you use any type of vinegar?

You can’t use any type of vinegar to remove move mold. It has to be white vinegar to be effective. Don’t use apple cider, balsamic or malt vinegars. Although they’re excellent on food and great for your health, they do not remove mold.

Does it work in corners?

Dawn and vinegar can work in corners, but it really depends on how bad the mold is and what materials comprise the corners. If it’s plastic, cardboard, wood, drywall or some other porous material, you have to remove it entirely if the mold is black and deep enough.

If the mold is light and not eating away at a porous surface, you can see if Dawn and vinegar will work. But, if the discoloration is still present, it’s better to be safe and get rid of the affected surface.

Does it work behind molding?

As with corners, dawn and vinegar can work behind molding so long as the material is nonporous. Things like porcelain, marble, glass, tile, aluminum, steel and etc will benefit from dawn and vinegar.

Does it work behind drywall?

If you have mold taking over drywall, you will have to remove the entire section of drywall. Unfortunately, there’s nothing that can clean, remove or sanitize it. Now, if it’s just a little mold, you’ll have to use something stronger, like full strength vinegar, to take care of the issue.

Does it work in showers and bathrooms?

Dawn and vinegar can work in showers and bathrooms. Most surfaces and materials used to construct bathrooms are nonporous. However, you will have to discard shower curtains, plastic faucet handles and wood moldings riddled with heavy black mold.

Does it work under crawl spaces?

If your crawl space contains solid concrete, dawn and vinegar can work against any mold growing there. But, you have to stop the source of the water damage causing the mold or your efforts will be for naught. That said, if the mold is really bad, you should call a professional to take care of it.

This is because mold can permeate deep into the under layers since concrete does tend to be porous. But, if it’s a slight mold issue, you can take care of it yourself with things like dawn and vinegar.

Will borax kill black mold?

Borax is very useful for ridding mold and mildew from fabrics and upholstery. All you have to do is mix ½ cup of borax with two cups of hot water. Ensure it dissolves and then soak a sponge in the solution or put fabrics into a bucket of the mixture and let it soak for two hours.

Afterwards, rinse well with warm water. If you are scrubbing it onto a surface, ensure the area dries completely to avoid further mold development. This is why it’s always a good idea to spray your freshly scrubbed area with bleach, hydrogen peroxide or other disinfectant.

Can you mix hydrogen peroxide and Dawn dish soap to kill mold?

You can mix hydrogen peroxide with Dawn dish soap to kill mold. Take a clean spray bottle and add two parts hydrogen peroxide with one part dishwashing soap.

Another way to calculate is to fill one third of a bottle with hydrogen peroxide and then fill the bottle the rest of the way with dish soap. Shake well, spray and scrub.