Will WD40 Kill Mold? (Solved & Explained!)

Will WD40 kill mold? What are the best uses for WD40? All these questions and more will be answered in this article. 

Will Wd 40 Kill Mold?

WD40 can do a lot of great things and make life easier in a lot of ways. But unfortunately, WD40 will not kill mold on its own, as it is a lubricant. It can help stick to the mold which may make it easier to clean up but the mold won’t be dead or even damaged by WD40.

Nothing in WD40 is antimicrobial on its own so though WD40 might appear to make mold or dirt cleanup easier, it isn’t actually killing anything. 

Where did the idea that WD40 could kill mold start?

The idea that WD40 can kill mold likely began when someone used it to clean grime off a surface. As a lubricant, WD40 can make cleaning up of mold and dirt a little easier because it will stick to any dirt and then you can use a rag to wipe up any mess.

Unfortunately, however, WD40 is not very effective at actually fighting against the mold and it will likely grow back if you don’t use a product with antimicrobial properties. 

Are there any active compounds in WD-40 that could kill mold?

WD40 is made primarily of oils and it is a lubricant. The WD part of the name stands for “Water Displacement.”

The favorite environment of mold is a damp area where mold spores can land and grow. Mold will not grow where there isn’t water and moisture. This is why things in your freezer don’t mold, really. 

So although none of the ingredients of WD40 will kill mold, it can prevent water from gathering and pooling to prevent mold from forming to begin with. 

Is it just a waste of WD-40?

Using WD40 to clean mold isn’t a total waste of product. WD40 will clean mold up and can possibly prevent mold from growing on a clean surface. But in order for mold to be completely gotten rid of, you do have to kill the mold with some kind of cleaner like bleach, hydrogen peroxide, or vinegar. Please do not mix these three though. 

What should you not use WD-40 on?

On items that need to be clean and lubricated like door hinges and bike chains, you should not use WD40 because it will attract dust that can glog them. 

You also should avoid using WD40 on locks because it can wear down the mechanisms inside the lock. 

WD40 should also not be used on iphones or ipads because it can break down the plastic on the screens and ruin the device completely. If any WD40 gets inside the device, the product will also break down the plastics inside, permanently damaging your device.  

What really kills mold permanently?

A lot of people will use just plain soap and water to clean up any mold in their house. However soap and water are usually not powerful enough to kill the mold so you may leave behind tiny spores that will grow into more mold. 

The best way to kill mold is to use a solution of bleach and water which is an effective way to kill the mold, and then prevent mold from reforming by getting rid of whatever caused it. 

If you know the mold is growing on old food, throw the food away. If it’s growing on an object like a book, the best thing to do is assess the environment to see if it is too damp which promotes mold growth.

What can you spray on black mold to kill it?

You can kill black mold in one of two ways, one with a natural solution and one with a chemical solution. 

Mixing baking soda and vinegar together can create a great cleaner that can help get rid of black mold in your home.

If you are more trustworthy of a chemical approach, you can create a solution of bleach or ammonia (NOT BOTH) and water which will kill the black mold.

One thing to keep in mind is that combining vinegar and bleach or ammonia and bleach can create deadly gasses so only use one of the three at one time to ensure chemical safety.

What can you spray that kills black mold naturally?

Distilled white vinegar is a great cleaning solution for black mold. All you have to do is put some distilled shite vinegar into a spray bottle and spray it onto the mold before wiping it up. 

Black mold is still highly dangerous so make sure you take safety precautions when using this method. Wear gloves, goggles, and some kind of mask so your eyes and airways are safe from any spores that may detach from the black mold and make you sick. 

Can I remove black mold myself?

If the infestation of black mold in your home is small enough, then you can remove it yourself. You can create a cleaning solution of either vinegar OR bleach and water and spray down the mold before thoroughly scrubbing it away. 

To ensure it doesn’t grow back, make sure the affected area is dry before leaving it. 

You do, however, have to take the proper precautions to protect your eyes and airways because black mold creates spores that are toxic to humans. Always wear gloves, a face mask, and goggles when treating black mold yourself.

If the infestation of black mold is very large, it is better at that point to contact a professional. 

What are better uses for WD40?

There are many great uses for WD40 that aren’t related to the removal of mold. You can use it to clean scuffs off of your wood floors. Or you can use it to prevent hoses from rusting. You can also use it to remove crayon from walls if that is a pastime your children enjoy. It is great for removing duct tape and residue from surfaces as well as wax and glue from carpeted areas.